Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 02:34 - United States

Today, I received a $250 ticket when I parked my car, that has the disabled placard, in a handicapped spot at a Wal-Mart. The officer said she watched me get out of the car and walk to store without appearing to be disabled. I'm 59 years old, have a steel rod in my spine and a prosthetic hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 300
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who is it for her to decide if you're disabled or not? Wow. I hate people like that. Of course not all handicaps are always going to be noticeable.

Conkers 0

I'm pretty sure you can definately appeal against that. People with mental disabilities can get the cards and you cannot physically look at them to see if they're disabled.


irishdancer 0

I'm sorry too! That really stinks. Go up to the police place and explain! (bring xrays!!!!)

I think I got you beat, OP. I got a metal rod in my back, a prosthetic hip, and plates in my knees. And I'm a fourteen year old girl. It's okay to be jealous. (x

americayay 0

I wouldn't "kill her" 64, but I'd contest it, because it's not up to the officer to decide whether or not the driver is disabled. It may be a pain in the ass, but he WOULD get out of the ticket.

To #96-Please, don't turn this into a game of "one up." OP, definitely fight the ticket.

hey lol I have TWO metal rods in my back what now!? hahah jk. I do have 2 but I thot it was just really cool how we both have metal rods=] hahaha did u have scolosis? I'm a 15 yr old boy btw

hey lol um I like have no clue how to check my inbox on here if u were to reply back. so u should just add me on Myspace or somethin. if u have a Myspace just search JT Tassey. =]

fckinbowdown 0

what a ******* prick officer. sorry about that it's total bullshit.

Macromartyr 3

my favorite part is a 59 year old using fml

police officers are always giving tickets for the stupidest things dont they have anything better to do?

seriously there is no way that ticket would hold up in court

Exactly #62 This isn't too bad cos you don't actually have to pay this. If you have the disabled placard then the policeman is well outwith their rights to give you a ticket, despite whatever stupid lie they come up with to cover their corrupted backs.

Apparently you have no clue how prosthetic hips work. Go **** yourself or at least do a google search before running your mouth.

LeCielNousAide 7

well that's mainly parking lots' faults for not having enough handicapped spaces, as well as situations like this here that happened to my dad: he hadn't seen a free space in a parking garage in boston yet, and he was pretty much on the top floor. so a worker told him to go ahead and use the handicapped spaces, telling him it was ok to do so. my dad refused because he didn't like the idea, but other people HAD taken the spaces. besides, you don't know how much pain the OP may be in walking. FYL indeed. and being 59 and using this site? good for you for being up with the times! ^.^

Here's an idea don't take your retard brother out in public.

mamaof2 0

Wow number #75. Can you say FIRST COME FIRST SERVE? My husband has four metal disks in his back and can't walk more then 40 feet with out being in pain. Yet he doesn't complain when the handicap spots are taken. Because he doesn't live in his own sheltered little world. There are other people out there that need/use those spots too. So what you don't get a spot every time? Not everyone does. If they have a handicap sticker then they are just as welcomed to those spots as your little brother is.

they have a daily quota or something for tickets... its rediculous

exactly why they have to ticket someone for inane reasons otherwise they get fired

Who is it for her to decide if you're disabled or not? Wow. I hate people like that. Of course not all handicaps are always going to be noticeable.

which one's your fml ? You posted one and it got confirmed.. :) !

Conkers 0

I'm pretty sure you can definately appeal against that. People with mental disabilities can get the cards and you cannot physically look at them to see if they're disabled.

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barty5858 0

What he is trying to say that people with certain mental disabilities can apply for and receive handicapped permits. However, if you looked at one of these people, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that they are in any way disabled. Just how you wouldn't be able to tell that the op is disabled just by looking at him.

Get that shit challenged, old man, and stop 'plainin.

If you have a disabled placard, is it not illegal for a police officer to fine you? that's disgraceful.

BoriquaLove293 25

not necessarily cuz ppl will take family members and use it to be lazy

But I'm pretty sure it's still illegal even though they might be borrowing it because what if they actually were

chocolatepoptart 0

hahaa exactly what i was gonna ask.

That's just awful. OP, I envy you. You get the best parking spots.

Uh, Oh... What's the age limit? I might have to leave, too.

OreJen 0

Me three! (Turning 40 in September. Oh Noes! Yes, daughter showed me this site.)

This site is fine for all ages and I fail to see the problem. It's not like this is some Disney site where the OP is seeking out children. Stop being a snarky bitch.

rustylertz 0
thatsbull95 0
Obecny75 0

To anyone that says fight it in court... the cop will still win in the end. Most (if not all) police departments pay overtime for the officer to show up in court. So either way they win. oh and its usually 4 hrs of overtime regardless of how long they are actually in court

Yes, but at least the OP doesn't lose, right? Plus, I doubt lost fights in court over tickets look good on any officer's record.

what's fyl about that?? don't pay it. tell the judge WHY you're disabled. gee - I didn't know that the ultimate judge of a person's ability wasn't their doctor, rather what some cop thought from across the road??