By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States

Today, I had a promo code for a free Redbox movie. Since I knew exactly which movie I wanted, I parked in a handicapped space because it was super close and I was cold. I didn't think anyone would notice, but apparently the cop that parked beside my car did. My free movie cost me $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 007
You deserved it 78 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.


typical woman, park in a handicap cause they can't stand be be cold for a few seconds.

Yeah, FYL for being too lazy to walk a few extra feet in the cold. Must be hard to be you. Seriously, those disabled people have it so easy! The fact that this is totally insensitive has been mentioned many times before, so I just wanted to add one other little thing. Many people on disability have (SHOCK!) a debilitating disease, and as a person with one of those myself, the disease and the meds for the disease can often cause sensitivity to things like heat, cold, and the sun. Its a very common side-effect and symptom. So, not only did you just take a parking spot from an actual disabled person, there is a pretty good chance that person was way colder than you were. Next time, I would rethink using an illogical excuse like "I was cold." I did, however, regain a little hope for humanity by reading (most of) these comments. Its nice to see people who aren't disabled sticking up for those of us who are.

I know a lot of people that really are disabled. Most of them cannot walk very well if they can walk at all and many of them use the electric carts in stores since they happen to be in the front of the store when they all aren't being used. YDI for taking a spot someone else could have easily needed because of a worse disability than being cold. For once a cop was somewhere he was needed.

You really shouldn't be parking there and deserve the fine, but these commenters are so ******* dramatic. The handicap spots are rarely full at stores, it's pretty unlikely that someone with a disability showed up in those 5 minutes and needed a space to park. Really, you guys can calm the **** down. And all of you who are saying you are handicapped, aren't.

youthink_fml 0

#76, you're a douche bag and probably do the same as this person did.

Aw you're so cute, you probably put "disabled people" and "unicorns" into the same category in your mind. FYI we do exist.

mina_8 0

Are you kidding me? It's your fault for parking there. It's just a few seconds of cold, you won't die.

axelkg 0

Okay listen up everyone! You're about to be enlightened. Handicapped parking spaces are without a doubt 100 percent useless junk. Here's my reasoning: If a handicapped person is able to navigate through a large facility (say, a mall) without trouble, then why is it that they can't navigate through a parking lot? And why are there so many of them? A small facility isn't going to have a large parking lot anyway, so why should it be required to have handicapped spaces?

Your reasoning is extremely unenlightening. There are probably handicapped people who think the same way you do. The only reason they exist is because companies don't want to be sued when one handicapped person raises hell about them "not making reasonable accommodations for disabled persons", which is required of them under the Americans with Disability Act.

Reality_bites 14

In response to your comment, the reason that handicapped spots exist is because they are bigger and closer than your average spot. Although yes a person does need to negotiatie their way around the shopping centre the spot allows the disabled person to have some room to retrieve for example any walking aids they use to help them negotiate around the shopping centre reducing their fatigue and pain factor so that they can achieve more from the visit. This could be a walking frame or in some cases where the person is unable to walk long distances a wheelchair. It could also be that the car itself has been specially modified to allow a disabled person to drive, and as a result the driver may need some clearance room to get out of the car with the aid of the installed technology in that car.

russianspy1234 11

Who said it was a mall? No one did, it was a video store, which means that little navigation is required in it, and parking close actually makes a pretty big difference, which you wouldn't know since you obviously have no trouble getting around.

Even if someone is in a wheelchair and can easily get around inside a mall or store, getting across a snowy parking lot is next to impossible. Not only that, but someone in a wheelchair is usually much closer to the ground than other people, and less visible to vehicles, so crossing a parking lot can be dangerous.

I can't believe you're capable of using a computer. Okay, so you see those people who use these things called WHEELCHAIRS to get around? Yeah, they need to get those wheelchairs out of the car. They also need to get THEMSELVES out of a car. You're probably thinking 'big ******* deal'. I'd like to see you try doing this, with the car door half open, without flexing your feet up OR down, without moving your legs apart more than six inches apart. (Preferably while filming yourself so you can send it to me later and I can laugh at you.) Not going to elaborate anymore, since the people above me already have. But I hope I've put this in words simple enough for you to understand.

Reality_bites 14

OP, you are one selfish lazy bitch. Why the hell would you expect sympathy for parking in a spot reserved for a disabled person, and as a result getting a ticket? You really expect sympathy? When you probably spoilt someone elses day by parking in a spot that THEY actually needed due to I dont know, having a DISABILITY. I bet you are one of those people who attend church and take money OUT of the collection tray. It sounds like this is something you do all the time, what makes you better than everyone else? Clearly you think you are, I mean everyone else isnt parking in the disabled spot are they? Grow a brain and grow up. YDI YDI YDI

YDI, too bad they didn't tow your car.

What if a handicapped person had come?