By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 19:00 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. I have a nervous tendency to rub my foot against the bar under the table. After the interview I noticed I had been rubbing my foot against the interviewer's leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 481
You deserved it 39 328

Same thing different taste

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If they didn't move the whole time... they LIKED IT! You got the job! :)

lol, you a job, he got a job, win win XD

Well if they let you do it throughout the whole interview without asking what you were doing/telling you to stop, i'd say you're in! ;)

Shizden 0

Atleast you weren't rubbing their you-know-what.

hahaha sweet! i love convos ...yes "convos" is an english word! .just google... um, i think u are in for the job coz the means whoever did interview liked it! keep rubbing, who knows :)

if you have to specify that what you are saying is an actual word, maybe don't use that word.

the interviewer prolly enjoyed it. if not, he/she would've at least said something

wait, and they didn't go "um, please move your leg"? How rude of them. Even in the office, if somebody is being intolerably strange, I will call them on it. Politely of course.

kpearsall 0

Agreed, very strange that they didn't tell you to stop. If you do get offered that job I'd think twice, you might just end up getting harassed all the time because they think they can get away with it.