By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I had a food allergy test done because of an ugly acne upswing, and after over a year of vegetarianism, I find out that I'm allergic to soy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 173
You deserved it 22 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People, seriously, shut the hell up on hating vegetarians. It's a personal choice, and if they're not pushing it on you, then you have no right to be pushing them to eat meat. There are entire countries with the majority of it's people being vegetarian. Do you hate on them? And I really doubt some of you are !00% carnivores. You can't survive on just meat, just so you know. There are other things you can eat besides soy products, and there are other alternatives. Also, you guys aren't being witty or funny with your comments saying, "Oh too bad, just go eat a steak and get over it." You're just sounding like an idiot.


fireandice92 0

I am a rebublican and I love meat. Vegitarians are liberal fad followers.

cla1re 0

55- So, you're saying that just because people eat meat, that makes them Republicans? You, young man/lady, are the reason why us liberals have such a bad name for being stuck-up bitches. You can eat meat or you cannot; either way, it has no correlation to your party identity. I am extremely liberal, but I enjoy my steaks. Very much so, thank you. I couldn't care either way if people eat meat or not, just as long as they're healthy.

Sry silverstar ur right But proud liberal is crossing the line

Polionixon 2

#70 Sushi is ******* meat. ITs a fish A LIVING ANIMAL! people!!!!! and YDI for being a vegetarian anyways.

Why did it take you an entire year to work that out? Fail.

voveraite 7

So political correctness nowadays leaves vegetarians out? Shame... shame... OP: beans, mushrooms, whole cereals, and unless you are vegan, dairy + eggs. Soy is far from essential in a vegetarian diet. And to those of you with the canine speech: open up a sheep's mouth: yep, it has canines too... P.S. Not vegetarian, I used to be as closed-minded as some here until some time ago, though...

What does a persons diet preference have to do with politics???

ShotaroComplex 0

You know, this fml might sound silly to some But it took me my entire life to figure out that I am allergic to wheat, barley and rye. I have celiac disease and wasn't even aware , or diagnosed, until I was 20. :P

RoyalJesteress 0

Bummer! Fortunately there are many vegetarian-friendly alternatives to soy, if you're interested. :o) As your sister in soy-love, I've got your back. Here is a small offer of informative links: Enjoy!

Royaljesteress is a good comment writer She's actually helpful to the OP