By 4am blues - 13/07/2015 04:39 - United States - Lehigh Acres

Today, my cat thought it was appropriate to bring a bird into the house at 4 a.m.; the bird thought it was appropriate to attack my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 335
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

I would be pissed too if I had been dragged into a house by a cat.

TheGamingNirvana 18

The cat gave your mom the bird.


Steve95401 49

I would be pissed too if I had been dragged into a house by a cat.

That poor bird! (and your poor mother). I know my cats like to bring bats into the house all the freaking time.

TheGamingNirvana 18

The cat gave your mom the bird.

PePziNL 20

And as you know. the bird is the word.

The poor bird was trying to defend itself... Probably too afraid of the cat to attack it.

4 am must be play time. :3 haha silly kitty. Hope your mom is okay!!

Did your mom think it was appropriate enough to attack the bird?

Cats do that because they love you and want to help you learn to hunt. He/she is being nice and motherly to you.

Oh no! So sorry.. your cat shouldn't have brought it in the house anyways. The bird was most likely trying to defend itself. Keep your cat in the house next time and shut the doors, you should be fine :)

Some cats are inside/outside cats. I know mine was a lot before I moved.

cats hurt a lot of wildlife though and are technically an invasive animal. please choose indoor only and try to transition the cat

countryb_cth 38

Most people like outdoor cats. Yeah they hunt but if you live on an acreage its either you have a cat or you have mice. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's enough wildlife around I doubt a few cats will wipe it all out.

yes you could consider cats invasive, but the biggest thing I've seen my cats manage to kill is a rabbit, other than that it's all mice snakes birds and squirrels, and just as there are many fish in the sea there are many rodents in the woods my cats hunt.

Cats are pretty much just little furry Republicans. Seriously though. It's been pretty well documented that even well fed cats often hunt for sport. They just like to catch and kill things.