By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I had a food allergy test done because of an ugly acne upswing, and after over a year of vegetarianism, I find out that I'm allergic to soy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 173
You deserved it 22 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People, seriously, shut the hell up on hating vegetarians. It's a personal choice, and if they're not pushing it on you, then you have no right to be pushing them to eat meat. There are entire countries with the majority of it's people being vegetarian. Do you hate on them? And I really doubt some of you are !00% carnivores. You can't survive on just meat, just so you know. There are other things you can eat besides soy products, and there are other alternatives. Also, you guys aren't being witty or funny with your comments saying, "Oh too bad, just go eat a steak and get over it." You're just sounding like an idiot.


at least you found the root of your problem, crappy problem to have, but some people never figure out what is causing these things...

proud_liberal 0

Don't give up on vegetarianism, most meat eaters are mouth breathing republican swine. Don't be like them

Idgi...why are people so obsessed with trying to control other people's lifestyles? You like meat, you eat the meat, I'll stick to what feels right for my body and won't tell you what to do, so why the **** do you feel justified in judging my healthful, GOOD-FOR-YOU diet? It's this weird fear of the unknown, I really don't understand how people are so addicted to the standard American diet that they think anyone who eats differently is weird or wrong.

28 if you only eat meat you're a carnivore. OP your allergy can't be too serious if your only symptom was acne, at least you didn't get an allergic rash or have your throat swell up.... Lots of people have mild food allergies that they don't notice for years, if at all. They put their symptoms down to something else not the food.

elfuzzo 0

I am a vegan. There's lots of alternatives to soy milk, and fake meats are too expensive to be worthwhile anyway. This isn't a huge loss.

EAT MEAT! You know those sharp canine teeth all human beings have? Ya that's what they're for!

OP: That sucks, and you hadn't noticed for a year? Why are people hating on vegetarians? I was a vegetarian and it's not because I hate meat, or anything. Meat tastes weird, and veggies/nuts/soy products are good for you. Just because you have the canines doesn't mean anything, we've evolved from eating mainly meats. Sure, we're omnivorves, but it's not needed to eat meat. Vegans and vegetarians still get the nutrients necessary for the body, and they don't eat meat/animal products/etc. So, how is it a HDI?