Too good to be true

By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 08:00

Today, after being hella single through this pandemic, I was gently stopped by an attractive man on my way to the bus stop. He looked deep into my eyes, and I took my headphones out so I could hear him better. Then, he started moving nervously, took a breath… and offered me meth, before tweaking away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 004
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look it has its perks: only two sleeps till Christmas 🤣

bleachedraven 14

To me, single means waiting for the right one...not desperate for random bus stop person 🤣


a lot of us are single its not that bad or unusual.

bleachedraven 14

To me, single means waiting for the right one...not desperate for random bus stop person 🤣

Marcella1016 31

“Random bus stop person” Hey everyone has a type 😂😂

Look it has its perks: only two sleeps till Christmas 🤣

bleachedraven 14

Terrible but I had to laugh! 🤣

bleachedraven 14

How do you "tweak away"🤣

So he has a regular job as a "salesman" for his own "pharmaceutical start-up" and a steady income stream. What a catch!