By Cake Dreams - 08/10/2018 22:15

Today, I had a dream wherein a deep, sensual voice was talking sexy to me. "Yeah girl, you want this. Mmm." It wasn't the man of my dreams trying to seduce me. It was a piece of chocolate cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 022
You deserved it 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd rather have a piece of cake instead of a man any day. Cakes don't send unsolicited dick pics, or cheat on you.


You know what they say... You don’t have to fake it when you cake it.

I'd rather have a piece of cake instead of a man any day. Cakes don't send unsolicited dick pics, or cheat on you.

What? Cakes often send pics of disgusting places they’ve spread their “frosting.” Also, cakes are total ***** — they let anybody eat them. No, cakes are no good for monogamy — you can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

Hey, if you share your cake, that's on you. Me, I like to keep my diabetes to myself. And not every cake has frosting. Some are just really moist.

If you tell us you had cake after that, it will be the most satisfying erotic story I've ever read.

pugs 12

I see nothing wrong with this post.

That is so wrong! You need some serious help. Clearly, chocolate cake speaks in a breathy, feminine whisper with a slight French accent. You need your hearing checked or something.

Are you on a diet? If so it might be time for a cheat day

OP...I believe you and I may just be soul mates. 😂