Freudian intensifies

By mouthwash - 11/11/2014 05:05 - United States - Gallipolis

Today, I had a dream where I was cuddling with a girl. She rolled over to face me, snuggled up into the crook of my neck, then muttered in disgust, "Ugh, your breath stinks!" Cock-blocked in my own dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 738
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe think about brushing your teeth will trigger a dream for that then you wouldn't be turned down...

zahra_786 19

Thankfully it was just a dream, and you'll be prepared to prevent such occurrence in real life :p


Maybe think about brushing your teeth will trigger a dream for that then you wouldn't be turned down...

Kyle1dc 17

uncovered shoulders perhaps? how scandalous...

zahra_786 19

Thankfully it was just a dream, and you'll be prepared to prevent such occurrence in real life :p

diving_fml 30

or maybe he won't listen and this will actually happen. what if his dream is for telling the future???

es3508 16

Yeah but a toothbrush works better:P

omgitsmoe 26

Brush your teeth before you sleep , you won't get **** blocked in the next dream :3

Well, does your breath stink? Maybe you just had a bad taste in your mouth, like morning breath, and it affected your dream.

don't forget to brush the next time before going to bed

haliacc 17

If she thought your breath smelt then you should have pointed her downwards.

JMichael 25

No cuz he knows to wash it before he lets a girl go down on him.

cadillacgal79 32

Past FML post! Nice job! I didn't think anyone would mention that.

haliacc 17

That's what I meant! That it would be better down there!

Brushing your teeth is good, but for extra freshness I like mint gum. 5 is a good brand.

Kyle1dc 17

Stride's a pretty good brand as well.

stride was good. then they went to that 2.0 and it tasted cheaper

Try to materialise some mentos in your sleep

There was a post not long ago about her mother trying to speak to her son about oral hygiene...... Is that you??