By Anonymous - 12/04/2019 20:00

Today, I dreamt I had a secret admirer whom I met in person. She had red hair, a plus size body and a beautiful smile. This would've been great if it weren't for the fact I was a straight woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 735
You deserved it 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you can send me her number? Help a brother out, y’know?

Think that your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Do not think that it would hurt to at least explore the possibility that you might be bi-sexual.


Hey now, spaghetti is straight until it gets wet.

Maybe you can send me her number? Help a brother out, y’know?

aangel94 9

I think it’s safe to say ginger woman is a lesbo Rich

tounces7 27

You sure about that? Time to do some self discovery!

Think that your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Do not think that it would hurt to at least explore the possibility that you might be bi-sexual.

Maybe you're not as straight as you think you are.

You may need to have a sit down with yourself and have a real good heart to heart.

EmDizzle2007 28

I don't know jack about dreams but why assume it was a literal dream about a romantic coupling? Couldn't the mystery woman symbolize OP's self and her yearning to have a healthy relationship with her self? or maybe she (redhead) symbolises something important to OP such as her career or hobby, a cause she cares about, a community she's in... the message being that OP values her connection to whatever. Know what I mean? If OP plays a big curvy cello made of auburn colored wood ... "she" is likely the lover from the dream, right?

Honestly, all of that dream symbolism is bullshit. Dreams are just the conscious part of your brain trying to make sense what is to it random noise coming from the rest of the brain as senses and thoughts. The result is a nonsensical mess that means absolutely nothing and can't even follow an extremely basic storyline for more than ten seconds, much less provide deep and profound insights about one's own condition through carefully crafted symbolism. Hell, last night I dreamed I was send by Edmund Blackaddr back to the shitbox town I grew up in to spy on some random girl and also win some free weed by playing a match three game on the way there. It's nothing more than meaningless gibberish.

Madison Gliosci 16

Key phrase: “WAS a straight woman”