By warp_routine - 31/03/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I got on an elevator with a woman and her child. I was the first one on. When she stepped on, the capacity alarm went off. As she left she told her daughter that's why fat people shouldn't be allowed in public. I'm 145 lbs. She was twice my size. I got called fat by a hippopotamus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 909
You deserved it 13 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bluecoconuts 0

Should have threatened to call the zoo.

shes just trying to make herself feel better dont sweat it


GloomySkyz 0

145 pounds you say? What number post am i :3

no worries she was talking bout herself :)

You have punched her right in her face.

I'm sorry, I don't understand why you assumed she was talking about you.

How do you know she was talking about you!? If the capacity alarm went off, there must have more people on the elevator right? :S Sorry if like.. a million people have already made that point, I didn't read any comments.. :/

145 pounds really isn't that much for a male.

over weight people sometimes call skinny people or people smaller than them fat to make themselves feel better. i found this out after i lost tons of weight and looked grossly skinny.

you should have just laughed your head off hahaha~