By Anonymous - 06/05/2016 18:02 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, I found out how it feels when someone slips and falls while they have a hypodermic needle in your arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 351
You deserved it 2 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been a while since an FML made me physically cringe this badly...FYL x10, dude.

bryce0110 23

That just increased my fear of needles even further. FYI OP.


That must suck! On the side not we live near each other and my grandma got the same thing but she didn't fall

Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your grandma lives a secret life as a man (who embellishes his stories) not too far from you. The facts just line right up.

Saluriel 12

Okay, um, wow. That probably did some serious damage to your vein. I'm not normally a proponent of lawsuits, but I think you should request damages.

"Hi, I would like to request some damage. Is that okay? Thanks!"

UserError94 18

You would like damages my good sir? Okay let me stick this needle in your arm, but first let me untie my shoes!

Been a while since an FML made me physically cringe this badly...FYL x10, dude.

bryce0110 23

That just increased my fear of needles even further. FYI OP.

That sounds painful, but it sounds even more mentally distressing.

I hope that you and the nurse (or whoever was administering the shot) is okay! That's definitely enough to make me want to not go back there for a long time. FYL OP, hope you're doing okay.

What exactly are they doing when using a needle that'd make them slip and fall? That sounds like a "stand still 'til it's over" situation.

but i bet you probably still found a way to shoot up

What were you doing standing with a hypodermic needle in your arm? An IV? Okay, that's normal. But a hypodermic needle?

dbt88 15

Drawing blood, insulin, epinephrine ... Could've been a multitude of things.