By sad sack. - 18/01/2009 00:40 - United States

Today, I got an email notification from Yahoo! Personals: "Hi, we've found 0 new matches for you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 005
You deserved it 2 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FunWriter20 0

Bummer. Facebook has a similar application, except it says "24 people looked at your profile this week. 0 expressed interest." Ouch.


FunWriter20 0

Bummer. Facebook has a similar application, except it says "24 people looked at your profile this week. 0 expressed interest." Ouch.

Fenzie 0

I've been getting emails from Yahoo! Personals for a few months and every time it says 0new matches.

haaaaaave you thought about meeting people in real life? much better idea than using the internet. totally.

rachelbrianna25 0

go 2 a bar with your friends. maybe u can find a drunk at least for the night. lol. just playing. i would try going to clubs though.

savetherainfores_fml 0

Haha that's funny but sucks Save the Rainforest or everyone dies

19lollipop96 0

Lmao Maybe just maybe ur supposed to be alone or Internet dating is just not u

cupcake330 16