By Anonymous - 08/07/2019 18:01 - United States

Today, I'm so single, I signed up for a free consultation on an LGBT arranged marriage site. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 335
You deserved it 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amanda G Rich 23

I mean, you're the one who chose to do that. so you deserve it


I don't know what to choose here. Unless you're not LGBT?

Amanda G Rich 23

I mean, you're the one who chose to do that. so you deserve it

Is this the site where Indian women post ads like "Searching for a good husband for my son. Must be strictly vegetarian and astrologically compatible. My son is 36 and very sweet but shy. He has a great job in computers and owns a 1000 sq ft house in Toronto and another house in Bangalore."?

grass20 3