By smart phone mms - 07/12/2009 06:36 - United States

Today, I got a new smartphone and wanted to surprise my girlfriend with a naughty picture with it. A few minutes after sending it, I got a reply back from my girlfriend. And my best friend. And my sister. And everyone on my contacts list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 988
You deserved it 47 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smart phone. Same can't be said for the user. YDI

BelaLugosisdead 0


Hah. This made me curious, and I feel like I want to see the picture before I judge you!

well, who was on your phonebook? your sister and best friend would prob not care as much as certain other people!

poke_chu 3

When your phone is smarter than you, it's hard to feel sympathetic. YDI

perdix 29

It pays to advertise. You spam everyone in your contacts list with a picture of your ****, and now everyone wants a piece. Well played, sir, well played. Too bad you are going to have to go in for homosexuality and incest to satisfy the buzz you created.

well it would be fine if this guy was from West Virginia because in that case he only sent it to one person

Um... that's embrassing. How naughty was the picture?

that's why they put the manual in there!! UDI for thinking ur smart

You know the term 'smart phone' doesn't mean it'll do your thinking for you, right?