Alexa, play "No Fun" by The Stooges

By Anonymous - 15/02/2022 21:59

Today, I was supposed to be meeting my daughter's boyfriend, but my wife has locked me in the basement until he leaves, so there’s no chance of me tormenting the boy. Quite wise on her part, I had all kinds of evil ideas, but now I’m locked in here, I’m bored as hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 311
You deserved it 2 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man, I’m glad your daughter has at least one decent parent.

I don’t see the problem. A time-out is what you’re supposed to do with a toddler who won’t play nice, isn’t it?


ayaaya 16

lmao it’s the way that you didn’t even get anyone agreeing yet 💀 stop trying to torment your daughter’s boyfriend, ffs.

missedhighfivemakessad 4

Sounds to me like her only mistake was saying “I do”. Move past the ancient dad tropes and try being human.

Man, I’m glad your daughter has at least one decent parent.

I don’t see the problem. A time-out is what you’re supposed to do with a toddler who won’t play nice, isn’t it?

Why must you do this to your daughter? Why are you the way that you are?

Sucks for you. Denied the age old father boyfriend bonding rituals. Many a laughs will be missed at future family functions.

I've heard of the crazy uncle in the attic, but the crazy dad in the basement is a new one! Sounds like a plot of a horror movie: Don't go down to the basement or you'll face -- dunh, dunh, dunh-- awkward interrogation!

Hope your wife leaves you and your daughter never speaks to you again. The idea of tormenting SOMEONE ELSE'S CHILD just cause he's dating your daughter is so outdated and gross. You need therapy, and Jesus. You need Jesus to come down and do one on one therapy with your funky ass.

slhiggx 17

Parents like you are the problem.

For crying out loud, people need to stop with this archaic, toxic masculinity shit. If you feel the need to intimidate your child’s partner (especially if they’re still minors), please take your small dick elsewhere. Thank god your wife is smart and has the forethought to lock you in the basement. You 10000% deserved it: