By CH - 07/12/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I pretended to smoke a bread stick that looked like a cigar. It made me feel cool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 690
You deserved it 41 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretend? **** that, light that bitch up and be cool. No one else smokes breadsticks, they're too hip with their cigarettes and marijuana and crack and things. Be unique, dammit!

I do that all the time :D Actually those chocolate wafer sticks are pretty cool to fake cigar smoke with too. And they taste better than breadsticks


Pretend? **** that, light that bitch up and be cool. No one else smokes breadsticks, they're too hip with their cigarettes and marijuana and crack and things. Be unique, dammit!

I do that all the time :D Actually those chocolate wafer sticks are pretty cool to fake cigar smoke with too. And they taste better than breadsticks

Now suck it like a long, thick ****. It'll make you feel cooler.

i never thought i would meet someone as "cool" as myself.. but you just out did me.