By smart phone mms - 07/12/2009 06:36 - United States

Today, I got a new smartphone and wanted to surprise my girlfriend with a naughty picture with it. A few minutes after sending it, I got a reply back from my girlfriend. And my best friend. And my sister. And everyone on my contacts list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 988
You deserved it 47 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smart phone. Same can't be said for the user. YDI

BelaLugosisdead 0


Seems you bought the less popular dumbarse phone: The New Nokia Tw@ 3650 It'll revolutionise the communication industry, thanks to its patented 'less a phone, more a bar of soap with a keypad taped to it' design. Marvel at how really ******* frustrating it is to send text messages with the stunning 0.012 inch screen, 4 byte memory and 41 second battery life. Be amazed by how non-existent the camera is, how the internet doesn't actually load on it, and how much like a bar of soap it is. Order now and get this free razor wire wrist strap, so you'll never lose your beloved 'phone' ever again. Only $6941...26...3...14... and 84 cents...

====== A f r o K i s s i n g . c o m =========

In general, women don't get the same "charge" out of seeing pictures of naked men as men do when seeing pictures of naked women. Just something to keep in mind....

Bull, hahahaha! Most women are just as interested. Recent studies have proved that the thing of "men are visual women aren't" isn't true, women are as reactive to sexy pics as guys are. The problem is that we live in a society that makes people believe that women must try super hard to be top-notch sexy as much as possible while "for guys it doesn't matter, they can get a beer gut and all, who cares, after all they're guys"... which makes that often pics of guys end up less attractive because they don't put enough care into grooming etc.

Also, there's only so much a man can do in the way of naughty pics. You can't just go sending pictures of an erect penis... that's a bit rapey...

gingerrrr88 11

a kid sent me one of his hard penis and I was all wtf put that toothpick away u freak!

First off, the OP didn't say the naughty picture was of him (and I'm assuming the OP is a guy; in today's age, you never know). Secondly, the only way this is an FML, in my opinion, is if the naughty picture was of his mother being defiled by a holiday goose. If I received that randomly from the OP (also assuming I was on his/her/it's contact list), I would laugh at first, then try and gouge my eyes out with my mail-opener.

Having a smart phone won't help if you're a dumb ass.