By floggingnasty - 13/02/2011 11:38 - United States

Today, I got a new roommate in the dorms. When I got back to my room, I could smell her feet before I even opened my door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 838
You deserved it 2 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that must've been some smelly feet. she showers in onion or something?


sweeney18 0

ewwwwie. she needs to go shower or something :3

XxPurplePandaxX 0

ewwww for her bday or like Easter or something like that, you should give her a bar of soap, or something to clean feet :)

Eww let's hope it's just temporay and not one of those chronic conditions that don't go away no matter how much someone washes and deodorizes? But of course if her feet stink then her shoes stink and they'll stink up the room and your stuff. Maybe Find the stinky shoes and hide them in a dumpster?

Shame you don't have anosmia, then you would get on fine with her...

my sister got a new room mate too. we're still trying to figure out what the new smell is from..

ohmygod thats the same with my sister ! its so grosss!!

indygirl2 3

wash stinky feet every day with white vinegar (1 cup to a large bowl of water) soak for 5 min an then wash them all over with a soft rag, goin between the toes (with the vinegar/water in the bowl). dry with soft rag, gently. don't rinse. do this every day, morn and nite. Start taking Zinc.

Smapril 0

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww I would just act like I had found the best foot cream ever, and that it made your feet really soft and offer her somer

ManderPandaa12 0

At least she isn't obsessed with you. (:

DarkestHowler 0

Are you sure it was her feet? -insert Vagiclean commercial-