By Username - 13/02/2011 21:06 - United States

Today, I put up an ad on Craig's List to find a best friend. I don't know what's more pathetic: looking for a best friend online, or the ad being removed almost instantly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 685
You deserved it 31 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looking for a best friend online isn't necessarily pathetic, but it is if you're looking for one on Craigslist. YDI.

Sargasm 4

What a coincidence, I put up my friendship for sale on Craigslist (mint condition!) and the ad was also removed instantly. You know what that means... WE'RE MEANT TO BE BESTIES!


If you're looking for a kid, they may have thought you were a pedo in disguise.

samadams42 0

maybe he is a pedo in disguise

Or maybe they were afraid a lot of pedos would contact you. "Hi! I would love to be your best friend! Show me yours I'll show you mine!"

Pathetic, you. Is your social life that weak? Go get a life.

sammy92 0

Iv never heard of finding friends on craigs list!

play Xbox live:D you meet tons of new people every day. shoot. and make plenty of friends.

Looking for a best friend online isn't necessarily pathetic, but it is if you're looking for one on Craigslist. YDI.

Sargasm 4

What a coincidence, I put up my friendship for sale on Craigslist (mint condition!) and the ad was also removed instantly. You know what that means... WE'RE MEANT TO BE BESTIES!

Sargasm 4

4 easy payments of $199.95* (plus shipping and handling) and you've got yourself a new BFF. *Offer not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.

finding friends would be easier if you shared your interests, not how creepy you can be.

If you're going to be using the Internet to find friends, why not just join a forum based around your interests.

Boredumm 6

lol you just might end up with a scary/psycho friend like the one from the movie that just came out roommate I think it's called O_e

AFireInsideFlame 0
Boredumm 6

really? lol well the trailer looked scary

I have found some of my best friends on line but that's cuz we met threw message boards then met up at concerts or events since we all like the same things

perdix 29

The pathetic thing is that you actually were looking for a "best friend." Looking for anonymous, commitment-free sex is normal on Craiglist, but seeking a "best friend" is just creepy.

I totally agree sir i mean having sex with a stranger is cool but friendship?? what a weirdo...

sammy92 0
RosiePatosie 0

Why on earth would you do that on Craigslist? do you want to get murdered?

ryanst 7

I'm assuming that's why it was immediately removed.. Someone putting an Ad for a best friend on Craig's List is desperate and lonely.. Someone accepting an Ad for a best friend is a psycho serial killer/rapist.

lolitaababy 0