By cacheson - 19/08/2017 20:00

Today, after being single for a year, I finally have a boyfriend. Today, my chronic nightmares also started up again after being gone for a year. Apparently I'm allowed to have either a love life, or sleep. Not both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 108
You deserved it 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suffer from insomnia and nightmares, try having a series you have watched so much you know it by heart on in the background as you sleep. i find that it helps with nightmares

Go for the sleep and invest in a high-end vibrator.


i suffer from insomnia and nightmares, try having a series you have watched so much you know it by heart on in the background as you sleep. i find that it helps with nightmares

Could the nightmares be related to anxiety about your relationship? Or have you suddenly changed any habits just before they came back? If you haven't had one down, it may be worth having a sleep study done to see if it has a treatable cause.

Go for the sleep and invest in a high-end vibrator.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Did you just tell her to go screw herself?

Haha, no, I’d have recommended a ***** for that!

ArbiterOfFML 24

Mind vs Body. The body never wins

CBL88 25

IF your nighmares are related to some kind of trauma from the past, they might be triggered by sleeping next to someone. Going to sleep with another person by one's side is very intimate and vulnerable, and the body holds on to trauma, so it can be triggered by the movement or touch of another person.

I don't know what it's like to get a boyfriend, as a straight male....but I'm with you on everything else. I have not managed to find a job that works with insomnia/nightmares so I just have to live with it and suffer a normal job. Hope things change for you soon, OP. You deserve a good break.

I don't know what it's like to get a boyfriend, as a straight male....but I'm with you on everything else. I have not managed to find a job that works with insomnia/nightmares so I just have to live with it and suffer a normal job. Hope things change for you soon, OP. You deserve a good break.

Lobby_Bee 17

Why would you be sleeping anyways? New bf in over a year means sexy time any time all the time. No time to sleep.

Why has no one commented that maybe she should try to explain the situation to her boyfriend so she can work something out of he cares about her at all he should be a bit understanding or maybe I'm crazy and society is worse than I thought but I know with anxiety ptsd and depression I have managed to find a boyfriend and I just explained my problems it is possible maybe just very rare