By Sittinginthecorner - 20/01/2016 05:42 - United States - Saint Charles

Today, I got a new roommate. He's from Mongolia. He has had 5 friends over for the last 7 hours, all speaking Mongolian. This is the most awkward party I have ever been to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 619
You deserved it 1 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Foreign exchange parties are awesome! Invite some English speaking people over and everyone can learn from each other little by little. And if no one wants to mingle after that, at least with your friends over it won't be as awkward for you anymore :)


Foreign exchange parties are awesome! Invite some English speaking people over and everyone can learn from each other little by little. And if no one wants to mingle after that, at least with your friends over it won't be as awkward for you anymore :)

I think this is a great idea... If they have comparable space. If it's a dorm room or a tiny apartment and you have 10 people in there then it might make it more awkward.

crazyindynathan 13

I would have just slunk into my room...

Op just said roommate, so it's not necessarily a dorm situation. They could be in college and live off campus, or they may not go to school at all and are just roommates that rent a house together.

Try to grasp he language make it a learning experience!

Psycocharger 19


I should really dislike this, but it's too perfect.

The only reason I scrolled down the comments was to see if anyone said this already. It was the first thing that popped into my head. xD

thatguy240 27

I think it is perfectly acceptable to speak your first language in your own home.

Dag, 8, you really didn't think that one through, eh?

My roommates are Indian and do the same thing. It's fascinating hearing the language, but I usually just banish myself to my friend's room.

Aha this is actually pretty funny. I don't know why it has so many downvotes

I got downvoted for a Pulp Fiction joke too. Doesn't seem to be popular here. Should've stuck with the direct quote though..