By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 20:34 - Canada

Today, my roommate's boyfriend moved in. I'm in love with him. Now I get to live with the happy couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 110
You deserved it 9 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Love sucks. Same exact thing happened to me. That year of college was pure hell, and I eventually moved out as they got engaged last year :/ I'm the maid of honor, and I'm still completly in love with him.

perdix 29

Then the threesomes will be awesome! They can be awkward if the other girl is not really into the guy. You won't have that pesky problem.


Love sucks. Same exact thing happened to me. That year of college was pure hell, and I eventually moved out as they got engaged last year :/ I'm the maid of honor, and I'm still completly in love with him.

bubbles94 0

That's horrible...i'm still in high school, but I'm praying it won't reach that level for me... Maybe I'll get over him by then or something....

I IS A TACO! "He says he's so in love He's finally got it right I wonder if he knows He's all I think about at night He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing Don't know why I do"

Shereen15 0

Lmao i love that song ...its so sad. Just loke the OP's situation. I say move out or just move on!!

yeah cuz they can so control who they like

perdix 29

Then the threesomes will be awesome! They can be awkward if the other girl is not really into the guy. You won't have that pesky problem.

Get over it and him moron. He obviously belongs to someone else. To want is to be weak. It's your fault and you deserve everything that happens to you.

I think I must actually agree. Obviously, he is happy with someone else. If you truly love him, that's all that counts, correct?

True, but letting him be happy with who he's with won't make the move-in any easier on OP, will it?

all us guys want is raging wall sex! it doesnt matter whos it with! (>'')>#

Sun_Kissed18 25

This kinda makes you regret not telling him while you could huh? Yeah well, sorry :( move out?

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

you dont know she didnt ever tell him. Maybe she did once and he didnt feel the same way.

aj_alex 0

Send me a message. (seriously). I haven't figured out if that's even possible on here

You should either move out or get over it. He's taken.

someone count how many threesome comments we get I would but im in the middle of a threesome! wooooo!

perdix 29

So you're using both your right and left hands?

Skull_300 0

Buy one, get one free! Now you can do them both!

I agree, he belongs to someone else. You need to get over him before you ruin their relationship.

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Seriously. And for whatever reason, it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine when people say their in love with people they simply have crushes on. There's a huge difference between having a crush on somebody, them liking you back, you entering a relationship with them, and then maybe, possibly, if you're lucky, you both fall in love. /rant.

xd0rkiee 0

How do you know she`s not actually in love with him? You don`t know the whole story.

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

What I know is that it's impossible to be in love with somebody who does not love you back (or at least make it seem like they do). In other words, it sounds like the OP doesn't know what the **** she's talking about. It's one thing to have a crush on someone. Of course they don't have to like you back It's another thing to love someone. Sure, they won't necessarily love you back as it could be a shitty relationship. It's a totally different story when you say you are in love with somebody. I've been in 3 different relationships and I don't think I've ever been in love. I've never felt as though I would spend the rest of my life with any given person, that I would die for them, that without them my world would end, that the best feeling in the world is laying in their arms, and so on. THAT is [only part of] what it's like to be in love with somebody. This chick has a crush on some dude. She thinks she's in love. Are you f*king kidding me?

You can feel love for someone who doesn't love you back... obviously. You don't need someone else's feelings to validate your love. What I do agree with is that you can't feel total love with someone until you know how they are during their worst times, which usually involves getting in a relationship with them and experiencing it together. Until then, it's just a partial love, a half-love. It's unlike a crush in that a crush is infatuation, wild passion for a short amount of time, with no sense of reality. Not knowing the situation, I would say OP /could/ feel love. Yet, at the same time, OP probably has only seen/heard of the dude during his best times, and so has an idealized version of him.

@ #80 you realize you used an accent mark instead of apostrophes? '`'`'`'`'`'`'` =p

I'm glad to know we have somebody out there who, although never having experienced love themself, is qualified to tell the rest of us what love is. You obviously know everything there possibly is to know about an extremely personal and subjective feeling that you've never had.

And what makes you think whoever you're talking to (be it me or someone above) hasn't experienced love?

Um, because they clearly stated they hadn't? "I've been in 3 different relationships and I don't think I've ever been in love." It's a direct quote from Dr_Pepper's post. Granted, FML makes it impossible to tell who you're directing your comment at because of the poorly designed comments section, so I can understand how you thought I was attacking you.

That's a sad situation. There are a lot of men out there. Get your own boyfriend who will love you back and have a real relationship. Unless their circumstances changes, it's all downhill for you.

perdix 29

How do we know that the boyfriend won't love her back in the next week or so?

hehehe :) True. That's why I said, unless their circumstances changes.... But, he still has to breakup with the roommate. Then they may have a chance in having a fulfilling relationship :)