By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 12:43 - Australia

Today, I got a new laptop for Christmas. The picture on the box showed a woman balancing it on one finger to show how light it was, so I tried it myself. I dropped my laptop, breaking the hard drive and putting a massive crack down the screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 021
You deserved it 100 567

Same thing different taste


Obviously your a retard and didn't deserve it

Err, put it closer to the ground or on a softer surface maybe? I dunno just a thought...

kittykat1501 31

I just saw the ydi number go up how cool

Well you learned the hard way. The box image was most likely photoshopped, and if it wasn't, she was probably balancing the laptop without the battery at least, might have been just an empty chassis she was balancing. Long story short, don't be an idiot and try it.