By Savviecat97 - 25/07/2019 00:01

Today, I finally got to see the results of the new timesheet I made to make things simpler for both the employees and the managers. Apparently, 75% of them don't know how to read. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 479
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to take your fancy book-larnin’ elsewhere and go to a semi-literate place.

When the majority of people are having trouble with something, there's a good chance the problem isn't with the people. I'd suggest looking back at your timesheet and checking if it's as easy as you think and maybe have someone else look over it.


You might want to take your fancy book-larnin’ elsewhere and go to a semi-literate place.

When the majority of people are having trouble with something, there's a good chance the problem isn't with the people. I'd suggest looking back at your timesheet and checking if it's as easy as you think and maybe have someone else look over it.

Instead of having people write in their PTO requests, or special clocks like training, I made a section where they just check a box. As in PTO [ ]. They're still writing these in the sections where they log their In/Out times. I also included a legend in case they didn't know what PTO, or inservice meant. I also added a rather large lined section at the bottom titled "Notes." Again, people are just writing over the In/Out section.

Rule No 1 of Development: Don't make the user think

PolarBear2020 10

I speak from experience: nobody ever reads any documents or manuals that you give them.