By creepyguy - 26/12/2009 12:06 - Australia

Today, I noticed a girl looking at me on the train. Playing it cool, I decided to give her a smile and see what would happen. It came out as a creepy, seedy grin, prompting her to call security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 299
You deserved it 9 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha who calls security for receiving seedy looks? Maybe it's better that it didn't go anywhere... she sounds slightly crazy. Like the sort of person who would overreact over every little detail, like obsessing over the 1ms time delay in you saying "no, of course those pants don't make you look fat!" It's all for the best....


didn't your mother ever tell you NOT to smile! :O ;)

She's probably had some traumatic experiences in her life, don't feel bad, it's not your fault.

Yeah, it's not your fault. It's overreacting for calling security, just because of a few seconds of weirdness due to a creepy smile. Slap her; then security is justified.

Malinkrot 3

If you were a good looking guy, I'm sure she wouldn't have cared...hit on a fat girl instead, their standards are lower

expen_dable 0

catonicsleep is so fat that she has smaller fat women orbiting around her

yep, pretty much, I'm a size 12/14 (UK), so horribly huge and grotesque!!!!

@ 14 not as bad as me. I'm so fat and ugly I should have no standards... :*(

everyone should have standards no matter what size you are.

expen_dable 0

Pendatic please stop stalking me. you literally reply to every comment I make, at first it was annoying and now its just creepy. I really don't want to be skinned alive and made into a woman suit or whatever you are trying to do. thank you.

You're just such a shitty commenter that it's pretty tough to ignore you.

Malinkrot 3

"Expen_dable rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again..." Cue Pendatic doing the Buffalo Bill dance...

dudeitsdanny 9
JustAReaderOfFml 4

expen_dable, such a pity you have no self esteem, you have to pick on others to get your satisfactory kicks out of life. Same with you, Malinkrot. If anything, men have lower standards, seeing as the average man's mind revolves around sex, drink, food and occasionally work. 'Fat girls', have standards, no matter what you say. You seem to be confusing them with the more commonly known status; '*****'.

I don't understand how some people can think that b/c a person weighs more means they're retarded, ugly, have low standards, can't get guys/girls, etc. but I guess I'm just to stupid to fathom the insanely intelligent thoughts you have. And don't waste you're time with the whole "oh you're just fat and ugly". Well no. I'm not

@catatonicsleep isn't 12/14 considered an size M/L? coz size M is 10-12. and you know, medium would generally be considered the average, based on the mean of people. that's why its the mid-point. I wouldn't consider that "horribly huge and grotesque". But then again it depends on your height. Check your BMI [divide your weight in kg by your (height in metres, squared)] -if it's over 17 and under 25 (border for underweight/overweight), you're fine :) if it's not, try being conscious of what you're eating and add a little more physical activity into your routine. Either way, you should have a little bit more confidence in your self-image! If you go around telling people you're enormous because you genuinely have low self-image, you're putting the idea into people's heads, and people will start to view you as "enormous". If you're just going around telling people that so they'll say "NOOOO you're not!" and feed your ego, then you're an idiot. Hope you're the former! Cheers :)

slushpup9696 12

Ooh, all the famous commenters are gathering! MercyFML, Pendantic, even the legendary Dudeitsdanny! Perdix! Freeze! Come and post amusing comments! We need you!

I wanted to down vote this but it is unfortunately true. Sorry OP FYL

yes they are #4. go die. and OP, I'm sorry, maybe she was just looking around? if I'm bored I'll do that too.

greenltrn2003 0

Haha who calls security for receiving seedy looks? Maybe it's better that it didn't go anywhere... she sounds slightly crazy. Like the sort of person who would overreact over every little detail, like obsessing over the 1ms time delay in you saying "no, of course those pants don't make you look fat!" It's all for the best....

shockcrow 0

how creepy, lol sorry OP, but it sounds funny. She sounds quite stupid though

haha. but that girl overreacted x 1000

schildkeatzchen 0