By Urgghh - 16/05/2013 21:36 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I got a mosquito bite on my chest. Due to a severe allergic reaction it has swollen my left breast a cup size. The first thing my boyfriend said was, "Hey look! I can finally see one of them." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 523
You deserved it 6 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hehe! That's funny. I'm sure you have very nice boobies, so relax and tell him his junk is small like a normal person.

perdix 29

I'll never understand guys who have flat-chested girlfriends joking or complaining of their lack of boobage. If that bothers you so much, don't go out with her. Otherwise, shut your stupid mouth and love her for everything else.


*sigh* flat girl problems. I can relate *hugs*

blackvyper 8

Get a mosquito to bite the other side.

RedPillSucks 31

my mosquito bites bring all the boys out to the yard.

RedPillSucks 31

This is the first time I've heard of a mosquito causing ejection from the IBTC

skyeyez9 24

Why do guys always make fun of a girl's boobs or other insecurities, but get all butthurt if a girl comments on their penis size?

Sweetpea22 14

I would have told him to find a mosquito to bite his dick so I could actually see it.

Man, if you're that allergic to mosquitoes don't ever come to Manitoba. I went out for an evening jog in the country and ended up with about 50 bites in under 30 minutes.

As long as you got a nice ass who cares if you're flat chested.

Amen. As a white male, I can honestly say even white boys got to shout...