The spirit of John Lennon

By Becks - 07/09/2020 23:01

Today, I found a bug in my bra. Not a huge deal, so I flicked him out. Turns out he was a black blister beetle. I woke to at 3 a.m. to insane pain, as well as the water blisters all over my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 576
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait. Not a huge deal?? How are you used to having bugs in your bra? I could never.


Polynipples! I hope you have pictures for us.

So, you've seen them? C'mon, do me a solid -- forward me the pics!

JoanT 11

Dude I’m the author and **** no even if I had pics I wouldn’t send them you

Are you Becks or JoanT or both? Don't be stingy.

Can you say that fast 3 times? Black blister beetle Black blister beetle Black blister beetle

Wait. Not a huge deal?? How are you used to having bugs in your bra? I could never.

JoanT 11

I live in Hawaii bugs are so common, plus I grew up with so many brothers they never bother me until they give you painful water blisters on the boobs

Do I want to know how your brothers give you "painful water blisters" on your boobs? Uh, ... no. If you'll share your tittie pics with everyone in the world but me, I certainly don't want to know what your brothers do to your boobs.

"The spirit of John Lennon"? C'mon guys, that's not a funny title.

Took me a while to get it, it's a little obscure. (hint: google "I GOT BLISTERS ON ME FINGERS!")

voodoo66 5

sounds like the bug went to second base with you