By myheadhurts - 12/11/2013 02:14 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I got a concussion. It was when an entire shelf of bicycle helmets tumbled onto my skull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 111
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments


baseballdude1283 18

My mom makes me wear a helmet so I don't lick the windows on the school bus

Rattlehead358 8

It must have been a sign to start wearing a helmet

OP should be like Clark from the Benchwarmers!

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

YDI for even being in a place with bicycle helmets. Why were you that close anyways? Who really rides a bike with a helmet?

I'm sorry but did you even read the FML? A shelf of helmets collapsed on top of op. They didn't expect it to happen.

People who don't want to crack their skulls open if they happen to fall while riding their bikes wear a helmet. I know some people like to think they're invincible pro bike riders that will never ever fall, but sometimes it just freaking happens.

catkat1988 17

#20, smart people, that's who. And apparently you're not one of them. I've worked with people who had suffered traumatic brain injuries, and believe me, you do not want that happening to you. Yeah, a bicycle helmet is not the most elegant looking thing, but it's well worth it if it saves you from brain damage in an accident.

It's natural selection guys. If he wants to be a dumbass, I bet he won't last much longer....

beaverteaser 16
Terri_Dactal 13

Damn one helmet falling on you would've been bad enough, but an entire shelf? That's really sucks

Each one felt saying: Pick me.. Pick me .. Pick me