By milkndstufff - 07/03/2011 00:50 - United States

Today, I went snowboarding and fell backwards, hitting my head on a patch of ice. When I got home, I told my brother I thought I might have a concussion. He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 381
You deserved it 3 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg! that's when I would kick his ass. after I woke up...

perdix 29

YDI for not wearing a helmet. It's a good idea to wear one while snowboarding, but it's a must to wear it while talking to your brother since he's known to deliver random head shots.


Omg! that's when I would kick his ass. after I woke up...

You've obviously never had a concussion. His head probably felt like it had an axe in it when he woke up.

I've had a concussion once, they suck! the pain is unbearable!!

Andy08642 0
Infamous_Hawk 6

Advice for next time you go snowboarding: Wear a helmet!

milkndstufff 7

I advise getting a better one and kicking your brother.

sweetheart44 6

66- you look a lot like justin beiber

69- sex position also #69 jb got a haircut he no longer looks like that

NbrL13 2

yo 66 dont listen to 69! you look awesome! cos bieber is gay and you are not!

Trav72 5

it's not often the O.P. posts in the thread :D hey there O.P. ;)

I've had quite a few. Not fun. What an ass

With 1 on this! Kick his ass, then tell him to sick it!

shoulda gone to the ER if you're passing out from a lil smack on the head by a hand..

kcrnpl 0

didn't natasha Richardson die from something similar? regardless, get checked out by the ER. any head injury should be followed up by a Neuro check just to be safe.

I_R_Genius 3

Bah, ER is for wimps. Concussions are nothing compared to tearing your ACL and MCL.

Heliol 8

Except tearing those aren't fatal, just painful. There are plenty of people who have died from concussions, 21.

chaosmaddness 0

62 I agree with you but on the other side 21 it it really is painful when you tear them.

where a fraking helmet dumb ass. YDI for not going to either the ski patrol first aid place or a hospital or even a urgent care clinic.

hellogoodbye1996 6

how is he a dumb ass? you are the one who doesn't know the difference between wear and where.

if you hit your head hard enough a helmet isnt going to help a whole lot.... and you arent necessarily going to feel too bad to start with, I hit my head hard once and didnt feel dizzy or anything until a good half an hour later.. you people on FML assume too much...

While it may be true that if you hit your head hard enough a helmet isn't going to help a whole lot, it certainly wouldn't hurt any would it? I can't think of a single situation in which a person who is hits their head while wearing a helmet has ever regretted having the helmet on. I can however think of many situations in which people did regret not having a helmet on. If the OP wasn't wearing a helmet when they smacked their head on the ice than it is kind of their fault that the concussion is as bad as it is. If they were wearing a helmet and managed to hit their head hard enough that the helmet helped that little than it is definitly an FYL situation.

That's horrifying. I appreciate having the knowledge that something like that happened but it is still quite horrifying. As you said though, those circumstances are unusual and over all it is better to have the helmet than not. I'd say that's especially true if you are doing something like snowboarding where the risk of falling is high.

People wear back protectors, arse padding, ankle supports, gloves etc to protect them on the slopes... If you hurt these parts of the body they can be fixed. If you smack your head with enough force you can do serious damage, not something a couple of paracetamol and some rest can fix. Wear a ******* helmet.

Ryonix 0

first off ydi for having a brother

yeah that's a concussion.. hopefully you went to the doctor after that happened

perdix 29

He should mention to the doctor about the brother's smack and omit the snowboarding incident. That way, if he dies, the brother will be up for murder -- and that will sure teach him a lesson!

Hey Sarah, I think you're beautiful, hope that made you smile :-)

perdix 29

YDI for not wearing a helmet. It's a good idea to wear one while snowboarding, but it's a must to wear it while talking to your brother since he's known to deliver random head shots.

FYLDeep 25

Plus it would suck to get dementia later in life like all those old football players.

Perdix, the OP said in the comment he did wear a helmet

He never said he didn't have a helmet; people can still get concussions while wearing them

I would be seriously concerned about what happened after you passed out, especially when your brother tells you to 'suck it' moments before.

DigitalFusion 4