By Miriden - 19/07/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I got a call from a creditor asking for a Sarah. I told them that I'm not Sarah, nor do I know one. They then asked if she was my wife. Annoyed, I said, "Alright, when did I get a wife? I don't even remember having a girlfriend." They sniggered and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 517
You deserved it 7 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I haven't had a girlfriend yet and people say it's oh so wonderful, but all I see are people cheating on one another. (in real life too) I'm just waiting for the right girl, thats all, and I'm obviously not going to find them at my school.


whoisthisgirl 4

yeah I thought it was snickering lol that's the word I was expecting lol

sparxva 12
sparxva 12

I used to get calls like that for my deadbeat stepfather after he died. I would say "He died. Please hold" and then leave them on hold.

perdix 29

You should have put Bella on the phone.

deeds1991 0

I think you meant snickered. you sub-conscious racist

Sniggered sounds like the racist version of snickered, just saying