No Future

By Notgoodenough - 11/03/2021 23:01

Today, my ex-boyfriend, who lived in Tennessee, moved to Georgia to be with his long-distance girlfriend. I live in Georgia too, and last year he broke up with me after two years together because he “didn’t see a future in Georgia” to be with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 088
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you care? He ended it. He moved on. Maybe it’s time for you to move on. Once my ex wife signed away all rights to my kids so my current wife could adopt them, I no longer gave a crap about keeping up with her, and today I have zero clue where she lives and what she does.

Everyone lies when they break things off. The issue was you and not Georgia. It sucks, but that’s the way things usually are. If you were worth it, and he were that serious, he would have found a way to make it work, and that has nothing to do with this other girl. “I would not like you in box, I would not like you with a fox. I would not like you here or there. I would not like you anywhere. I do not like you miss Georgia ma’am, so just move on, beat it, scram.”


Last year, Georgia was a red state. Now, it's a blue state. That's the real reason.

Sucks to say, but maybe he just didn't see a future with you, and just said it had something to do with Georgia to try anf make it easier for you

Why do you care? He ended it. He moved on. Maybe it’s time for you to move on. Once my ex wife signed away all rights to my kids so my current wife could adopt them, I no longer gave a crap about keeping up with her, and today I have zero clue where she lives and what she does.

Sounds like you got a major upgrade on that one if she signed away her kids and doesn’t even care where they are.

She left me high and dry with 3 kids unexpectedly, I was awarded full custody with her paying support, which she never did for years (she avoided taking any legal jobs and only took under the table jobs) so when I finally tracked her down, I waived all back support for her to give up any rights to the kids. Messed us all up over the years, but we all got over it eventually

bound101 7

I'm so sorry for the grief and heartache that you and the kids endured. The result of having a complete, healthy family with a peaceful ending is great!

Everyone lies when they break things off. The issue was you and not Georgia. It sucks, but that’s the way things usually are. If you were worth it, and he were that serious, he would have found a way to make it work, and that has nothing to do with this other girl. “I would not like you in box, I would not like you with a fox. I would not like you here or there. I would not like you anywhere. I do not like you miss Georgia ma’am, so just move on, beat it, scram.”

giraffe_poop 8
bobsanction 18

Sounds like he didn't want to be with you?

misssstillie 1

What an ass! Reading "He's just not that into you" saved me from being bothered by things like this. His loss!