By how about never? - 19/10/2014 11:22 - United States - San Fernando

Today, I gave birth to my first child. The first thing my husband says? "When can I hit it again, doc?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 909
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he isn't scarred over watching the whole ordeal!

Almost as charming as a guy asking the doctor to add a few extra stitches in.


ostfaiz 18

How about never' ur profile name suggests...FYL

RedPillSucks 31

Tell him he can hit it with palmala handerson

banshee88 18

At least he wasn't repulsed! Most women worry about that.

Countryboy1996 18

My wife's due next month. What was the answer? I'm too scared to ask lol

The best part about having kids is making em.

Wiringify 22

I'd wait at least 14 years... Wait, what?

"Today, I learned that my husband still wants to **** me, even after having a child. FML" Wha?