By how about never? - 19/10/2014 11:22 - United States - San Fernando

Today, I gave birth to my first child. The first thing my husband says? "When can I hit it again, doc?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 909
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he isn't scarred over watching the whole ordeal!

Almost as charming as a guy asking the doctor to add a few extra stitches in.


My fiancé and I are expecting our son any day now, and when I told him we'll have to wait about six weeks post partum for sex, he said, "What'd your dentist say?" I know he's kinda joking, but yeah... Sorry, OP. Congrats on the baby!

CollegeGirll 2

Terrible lol. I would've slapped him

CollegeGirll 2
blu42nj 4

The appropriate reply to that is, "Really, Nigga?"

I am a little tired reading this and I thought it said that she gave birth to her first cousin

Unlucky1232 20

wait your username. do u think he meant the baby OP?