By sisterlylove - 10/01/2015 19:02 - United States - Hannibal

Today, I found three of my sister's dildos as I helped her unpack boxes for her new house. Jokingly, I said, "Why would you even need three?!" She actually explained. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 388
You deserved it 13 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Ignorance is bliss, my friend.


It amazes me how everyone seems to think the sole explanation is one ***** for each hole. ******, like penises, come in different sizes and shapes. What feels awesome one day might not be up your alley the next. Also, many women- lesbian, bi, or straight- enjoy strap on sex. Any ***** that goes in a butt should never be used in another orifice; most toys are made of porous materials and it's expensive to always cover toys with condoms. There's lots of reasons why us chicks have a sex toy collection, and it's not because all of us want every hole filled like what happened in the last porno you watched. Now there's an explanation for you!

SheepShoop_fml 20

Platinum silicone all the way. And sometimes glass... ...occasionally surgical metals... Things you can boil! Those are must-haves in my book. Industry needs to stop with most of the porous nonsense (some you can't avoid, wood's great but yeah, porous).

I thumbed you up 83; I don't know what moron down voted you for giving entirely correct advice. The materials you mentioned are all able to be sterilized (short of wood, which you also mentioned) and are safe for all types of play once properly sterilized. I didn't mention this in my comment as many people, like me, aren't too keen on paying twice the price for medical silicone and metal over PVC or rubber. It ticked me off that someone thumbed you down for giving healthy and safe advice on sex toys. People need advice like that.

Jack_Me_Off_Jerk 5

2 in the pink 1 in the stink.

One for the vag, one for the ass, one for the mouth. I imagine they're color coded.

Sometimes, suicide *is* the answer...

Just like Meg with her packet of hot dogs, sometimes people just want to feel stuffed...