By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 00:28

Today, after the last few months of my sister living with me while she finds her feet, I asked if she could help me out by doing the washing up. Half an hour later, I walked into knee high dish soap foam in the kitchen. My sister was right in the middle, trying to sculpt dicks. She's 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 112
You deserved it 1 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tell her to stop dicking around and get back to work.

So, put together, how many did you guys sculpt?


Your sister is fantastic! And so is this entry.

So, put together, how many did you guys sculpt?

Just tell her to stop dicking around and get back to work.

I can help her find her feet. If you start at the head, and then travel down the shaft, my guess is they're right underneath the two balls?

You did read the part where it said "Sister" right? Or did you just fail basic biology?

#11 He said 'her' feet, so I'm going with the latter.

He could've ment the ones that she was sculpting her feet would've been under the ones she was sculpting,but it was still stupid

I think he was making a joke about starting from the head of the dicks she was sculpting.

Tsukiyomi 16

You might need to choke a bitch

After a few months? Helping around the house starts on day one.

Is it bad that I laughed at this for 2 minutes?

No wonder she couldn't find her feet, the dish soap foam was covering them.

I've done that before except it was laundry detergent.