By swtkiss1 - 18/02/2009 22:26 - United States

Today, my mom cleaned up my room. I had a drawer filled with condoms, 2 vibrators, and a bondage kit. She organized the condoms and vibrators in a shoe box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 914
You deserved it 58 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky! If my mom found condoms in my room she would flip the hell out.

Wait, so you are upset that your mother cleaned your room, found your toys, and didn't say anything about it? Am I missing something here?


greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky! If my mom found condoms in my room she would flip the hell out.

missababgaga 19

If my parents flipped out for finding condoms in my room, I would point out that I'm at least being safe about it. I mean really, which would they prefer!?

Yeah, I agree! It was very nice of her to clean your room AND organize your sex stuff! lol! =D

yo dis girl a freak! I wonder if she's hot, ooooh the things I would do

Thanks to you, everyone who read that, is now much, much dumber, may god have mercy on your soul.

Looks like 100 is a little on the horny side...

No it's may Neptune have mercy on your soul...

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you don't know that she could be sixteen and using that stuff... I do........

That's surprisingly not true. Many kids start sexually experimenting at around 14-16, and I would not be surprised if this were the case.

Wait, so you are upset that your mother cleaned your room, found your toys, and didn't say anything about it? Am I missing something here?

No she's upset cuz she took the bondage kit

My mom would do that. I know she would. At least she organized them for you, right?

when my mom cleans my room it's usually because she's looking for my Mota

you have a pretty cool mother, its embarrassing but it could have been worse.