By kilamo80 - 27/07/2013 09:26 - United States - Clarkston

Today, I found out why we've had to replace 3 washing machines this year. My sister thinks that "huge capacity" means "load the washing machine until no more clothes will fit." It blows the motor every time. She's 31. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 480
You deserved it 4 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Wow! She's a special kind of stupid isn't she? Make her read the instruction manual next time. Jesus.

Pstraka6 20

So does she fill her mug with coffee till it's overflowing? She's 31, it's time to grow up. Make her pay for it. She will understand real quick what the problem was


olpally 32

Wow! She's a special kind of stupid isn't she? Make her read the instruction manual next time. Jesus.

ILoveMyArm 15

I know, three times? That is when you hand her a washboard instead, better yet just give her some rocks to beat the dirt out with.

Her motto, "Shove till you can't shove no more."

getting sick of the "special kind of stupid" comments... she's JUST STUPID. I've seen far worse cases.

olpally 32

Relax^ would you rather have me say the word "retarded"? Calm down.

#55 that does qualify as 'special kind of stupid' for me. To do it once is stupid, but doing it 3 times and not realising that you're breaking the machine is exceptional.

bobak_can_ani 7

My wife does that too. I blame the manufacturers. They never explain, in simple words, the limitations of their products. And my wife thinks I'm trying to outsmart her when I explain to her!

Haha reminds me of cake boss when buddys cousin drove a diesel truck and put in regular gas in it 5 times before realizing it was regular gas lmao

Zimmington 21

82- A wife that can't wash clothes properly!? What are going to say next she can't cook or clean!? *He said sarcasticly*

#60: exceptionally stupid is the perfect word for that. Thank you for that one.

I hope she pays for the new ones other than that she's a idiot fyl op.

Hopefully they were under warrantee since it was under a year! Assuming they thought it was some mechanical malfunction, until OP found this out...

I got an idea, change the living situation!! She's how old and is either living with you (my guess since they way you worded it sounds like you are paying for this) or you're significantly younger and she's bringing her stuff home to mommies house. Either way she's too old for that! And you guys let it happen 3 times? You do know the saying "fool me once . . . " don't you?

You could say She's not the brightest crayon in the box

Wizardo 33

I think you may be looking for 'brightest bulb' and 'sharpest tool', these alternate versions aren't the brightest tools in the crayon shed unfortunately.

I've heard "brightest crayon" many times; just because you personally don't know a colloquial phrase doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

That one is "sharpest tool in the shed"

Pstraka6 20

So does she fill her mug with coffee till it's overflowing? She's 31, it's time to grow up. Make her pay for it. She will understand real quick what the problem was

\ 28

"Time to grow up" passed a long time ago

TheDrifter 23

She must be used to the laundromat front load ones, just load them until they're full.

What if I were to tell you almost all washing machines were front load and anything but was archaic ;)

Inform her that she is dumb. Rinse and repeat.

Unfortunatly, stupidity is a genetic stain you simply cant wash out.

Wizardo 33

OP's sister is a half load on an economy wash. What a washout.

ILoveMyArm 15

But I thought the washing machine likes getting wet?

I can't be mad, i hate having to do more than 3 loads max

littlemoon23 7

We all hate doing laundry but think of it this way: would you rather do more loads of laundry or would you rather pay for a new washer?

Wowxoxo 17

More than 3 loads?! How much clothes do you have..

People don't just wash their clothes. Ideally you wash your sheets and blankets at least once a week. Plus curtains occasionally need to be washed. Really any not dry clean only fabric needs to be washed on occasion. Plus multiple people means a lot of washing to do.

Well I'm 22 and this is officially good to know before I hit my 30's.

hcollins1 18

I'm 22 and even I know not to overfill the washer. Even if I accidentally put a little more than I should, my washer will stop and will alert us if its too full or if it has any other issue. It's really not that hard of a concept.