Simple Pleasures

By boredwithnothingtodo - 29/10/2019 06:07 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I got a new washer and dryer set. It's sad when all you have to do at night is make popcorn and watch the clothes washing. I even invited friends over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 336
You deserved it 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did your friends actually show up for that?

No it’s not!!! They have windows now!!!! So cool


On the bright side - now you have more free time and you can pick up a new hobby!

No it’s not!!! They have windows now!!!! So cool

Did your friends actually show up for that?

You had friends come over? That counts as a party! Sure, the maiden voyage of a washer/dryer set is a pretty weak pretense for a party, but nevertheless...

bullsonyourface 20

not sad at all, I'm actually jealous

E2dav 5

Is there a reason you're not streaming shows on your phone or laptop at least?