Dried out

By Anonymous - 20/12/2020 20:01 - Canada

Today, after spending $300 replacing a dryer and getting the vents cleaned out when our tenants complained their clothes weren't getting dry, my husband and I realized that it was actually the washing machine that was broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 763
You deserved it 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

For those wondering - If the washing machine isn't entering it's spin cycle, it's won't remove enough water from the clothing for the dryer to effectively dry it. The last cycle of your washing machine is, basically, where clothing has most of the water "Squeezed" out of it through Centrifugal force.

How did the dumbasses not realise the fact clothes were coming out of the washing machine sopping wet is an issue?


sarahcroy20 12

What does that have to do with the clothes not drying?

tounces7 27

For those wondering - If the washing machine isn't entering it's spin cycle, it's won't remove enough water from the clothing for the dryer to effectively dry it. The last cycle of your washing machine is, basically, where clothing has most of the water "Squeezed" out of it through Centrifugal force.

How did the dumbasses not realise the fact clothes were coming out of the washing machine sopping wet is an issue?

tounces7 27

They probably did realize it. But did not bother to communicate this fact to the landlord.

Don't spend $1400 on a new refrigerator when your tenants complain their food comes out cold after hours of cooking it in the fridge. Get non-idiot tenants?