By Asteria - 15/11/2018 05:00

Today, my dryer was finally repaired after not working for over a month. I did one load of laundry and my washer stopped working. Another day, another $400+ repair bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 639
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might be less expensive to buy a new one at this rate.

whiskey'swino 15

Maybe the Universe wants you beating your clothes on a rock on the river. Or turn Amish.


Might be less expensive to buy a new one at this rate.

This is not a very kind way to talk about your wife.

You’re really stretching on this one buddy.

whiskey'swino 15

Maybe the Universe wants you beating your clothes on a rock on the river. Or turn Amish.

Had to read it twice just to be sure.. 1. DRYER broke, then got fixed 2. WASHING MACHINE broke, fix pending So two separate things? Or is this some all in one unit? Either way, sucks to be you. But all things considered, if they are individual units, probably would've been more financially savvy to get a new unit. Especially with those repair costs.

Jorn van der Ar 13

Is reading THAT difficult for you?

Clearly reading, or at least reading comprehension, is that hard for you also. The way I first read it it seemed like they have a washer/dryer combo where the dryer capability wasn't working, they got that fixed and then the washer capability died in the butt; purely due to the insane repair costs cited. You can get a new unit for that unless $400 is actually cheap by comparison, which I really only see for washer/dryer combos. So.... stamp for effort?

the_tofu 17

Still boringly human.... bite me maybe?

the_tofu 17

That sucks... Also, I want to play the Halloween game... Any one can give me a bite?

tounces7 27

Get an old dryer from a used appliance store. The newer ones are complete junk.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I’d say that the repair guy didn’t fix it correctly. He should come back and fix it.

You could buy 2 washers and dryers for $800

OriginalAsteria 0

OP here. The washer turned out to be a much less expensive repair, and both are now working better than they ever have before. It would have been $1000+ to replace the dryer, I looked into that before doing anything else.