By Firewielder - 11/02/2015 02:26 - United States - Midland

Today, I found out the only reason my parents want me to live with them is because of the tax refund. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 941
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you complaining about a free bed to sleep on, enjoy it while you can

"As long as you're a tax deduction, you'll always be safe in my house." -George Lopez


Believe me parents give up more then a few thousand dollars. If you are able move, work , school !

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

im sure its a common thing for parents to do this. mine did.

Are you complaining about a free bed to sleep on, enjoy it while you can

tehdarkness 21

Ya! OP should use the time to go to school!!!

How is it a free bed to sleep in exactly...soundalike op is saying that the parents want the tax return for themselves...that's not free...that's reimbursement . Lol

You can get a tax break by claiming a child as a dependent.

Hmm, maybe that's why they had you to start with. You can thank your Uncle Sam.

iLike2Teabag 27

Because the cost of raising a kid is nothing compared to tax benefits, right?

I highly doubt a couple would get $250,000 in benefits over the course of 18 years. That would be to break even.

"As long as you're a tax deduction, you'll always be safe in my house." -George Lopez

Hey, at least they actually want you there, no matter the reason. Things could be worse!

If you are old enough to move out they are right. I firmly believe that children who are old enough and circumstanceally (is that a word) able should move out from home and live life on their own. That does not at all mean that I don't want to see them anymore, I'd be happy to have them living down the road and visiting more than weekly, but I want them to leave Hotel Mum&Dad in their mid to late twenties the latest.

I believe the word you were after is circumstantially.

Thank you! English is not my first language and while I'm doing pretty good most of the time sometimes the words get mangled in my head.

I agree to a point. When my kids are 18-20 years old I'll be pushing them to get out of the house, unless, they are going to school. Housing for college or university is expensive so I have no issue letting them stay home. otherwise, life isn't a free ride, and I'm not carrying them through!

I understand you're point, but I don't think you realize what the parents were saying. The parents wanted op to move back home with them and live with his parents, they weren't saying move out. :)