By taxed - 02/02/2010 13:00 - United States

Today, I found out that I owe the IRS money due to my previous job not taking enough taxes out. I am broke, unemployed, and was counting on a big refund so I could pay for my divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 031
You deserved it 4 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pepetto 0

Seriously--it is not your employers responsibility to take out "enough" taxes for you. Thats all on your shoulders!! When you get a check, you should always look at how much federal/state is being withheld. If there is too much, or not enough, it is YOUR responsibility to fill out a new W4 form to adjust it. Part-time jobs rarely withhold enough taxes, even if you have several part time jobs. The government views each job as your only job, and pretty much gives you your entire wage. You need to withhold an additional $5-10 per check with part-time jobs if you don't want to pay in.


pepetto 0

ya beat ur wife or rob someone you will get free lodging and free food in the slammer

ihavenoname123 0

she's a ****. she only wants a divorce to go with some other guy. she's also a woman, so she probably hardly even worked.

skullbashd 3

fake poor and jobless wouldn't have internet

Ydi for getting a divorce you bitch.

DenBriZel 31
The_Toxic_Mite 0
Jimbo2000 0

That's the IRS for you. They don't care if you have no money or not. As long as they get theirs

MetroidSlayer01 8

I hate people who talk shit about the IRS. There just doing there job. ydi for not knowing how to manage your money.

I agree, it's not the IRS.. taxes are a fact of life, except it and learn to manage your money. If the OP had done so they would be more aware of what they should expect as a return... you don't get a return just for existing... learn about where your money goes.

Except all the free shit like public schools, libraries, roads and plenty of other shit wouldn't be free without taxes, taxes are badly used and are too high, but it's not theft when they give it back in service.

Lol, you're an idiot. But don't worry, you can always move to a place without taxes. Like Somalia. It'll be great! You get to keep that 20% of your income, and all it costs you is your right to live in a stable civilization!

that seems to be a comin thing as of late you can thank the man for that

FajitaFreak 3

I'm in the exact same boat... sigh.

Ugh, stupid taxes. Im waiting to file because Im in no hurry to pay the IRS :/

killabee 0

I believe this is the most sympathy anyone has received on FML ever. FYL :(

Seriously--it is not your employers responsibility to take out "enough" taxes for you. Thats all on your shoulders!! When you get a check, you should always look at how much federal/state is being withheld. If there is too much, or not enough, it is YOUR responsibility to fill out a new W4 form to adjust it. Part-time jobs rarely withhold enough taxes, even if you have several part time jobs. The government views each job as your only job, and pretty much gives you your entire wage. You need to withhold an additional $5-10 per check with part-time jobs if you don't want to pay in.

Yeah, well, what if they take out NONE. I didn't look closely to mine because I had never worked for anyone that didn't automatically take out state taxes. 6 months in, I figured out they werent taking any, and opted for the highest percentage total. Not everyone looks that closely and knows how to calculate how much should be taken out. Usually you claim whatever number and it goes from there. Plus in Arizona, you have to pick a percentage of state taxes you want taken out. I have no idea what should be taken out. Seems kind of ridiculous to ask a regular person to calculate how much needs to go in.

kozmikstarz 0

Well, IF (and that's rare) they take out none, you can actually have them pull a specified amount from each check and hold in as a "just in case" fund. Either way, OP is dumb for thinking that she was going to get a return when she obviously didn't fill out her paperwork properly.

I actually filled mine out properly....I had no idea that there was extra paperwork to specify what percentage you want taken out for state. I got lucky and obviously put enough aside for my state taxes in the 2nd half of the year because Im getting a whole 7 dollars back. Only reason I noticed it was because I was making myself exempt for 2-3 paychecks so I could get the full amount of my bonus. Making myself exempt for those paychecks now made it so I owe about 500 bucks to the IRS :/ I always claim 0, too.

ACTUALLy if you filed your W2 right with your employer to begin with it is your employers responsibility to ensure they are taking out enough taxes (according to your W2) if not, then your employer is responsible for ensuring that gets paid

No, it's still YOUR responsibility. At the end of the day, the government isn't going to go to your employer and ask for you to pay taxes, they're coming to you. If the employer told the government that they had with held $30 from you, and they paid the government $30, even though you wanted $35, it's on you because you didn't rectify the situation for this year. And if you told your employer to with hold money, and they didn't, and refused to with hold more, it's YOUR responsibility to with hold money. Honestly, I prefer to have $0 with held from my paychecks, throw it into the bank and get a little bit of interest on the money. The net result is the same, only you made more money because you also get interest from it.

you are completely responsible when you fill out a w2. YOU are the one who chooses whether to claim 0 or 1 or whatever. if you claim 0 you pay more taxes per pay check but you get most of it back. if you claim 1 or more, you pay less per pay check but you get little money back come tax season, or you owe money. so yeah you deserve this completely.

The entire scenario sucks. It happened at a bad time, but it's still a fail on the OP's part. I am empathetic since I've gone through a similar hard time, but your money handling needs to be done very carefully by yourself. You should always check for yourself - always. Just because OP doesn't know how doesn't mean that help isn't there. It just needs to be looked for. Also, if the divorce is pending and money situations need to be resolved, all that data should be prepared in advance.