By hopeless - 06/07/2012 05:46 - United States

Today, I found out that the only reason my boyfriend got a job was so that he could buy weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 833
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You mean you give him sex for free? This is why most men work. Weed, beer or other intoxicants are usually further down the list of reasons to perform humiliating, tedious labor.


Herculesninja27 5

Hahaha who gives a ****, it's just pot.

my best friend since childhood(1-2nd grade, we are now both 21) has recently become a pot head since about late 2011, and its extremely depressing, he always tells me how he has stuff he needs like insurance for his car or a new tv(he gave his old one to his sister) but every pay day he blows all his cash on weed and smokes it within 2-3 days, and whenever hes around all he talks about is how awesome weed is, and tries to act smart about weed(talking about types of weed/methods/other useless bullshit) that i don't want to hear about, he has become a mindless pot head, and makes stupid jokes about the number 420 every time he sees it, uses tons of references about pot like "wake and bake" as if its hilarious every time, and has stopped listening to most of the music he listened to and only listens to annoying gangster wannabes talking about smoking weed, its really depressing some people really need weed, it can be a way to relax, and if you work for it its more responsible, but im sick of how all these 20 somethings with no medical problems or real issues smoke up just to be high all the time, and then act PROUD of it, like its the coolest thing they can do, which is really quite sad, i think if you need weed to relax or even more importantly to relieve pain from a medical issue, then that's ok, but you should never be proud/arrogant about it, yes weed is the least harmful drug on the market arguably, but that doesn't mean you have to act like a complete ass/mindless happy fool on the planet, just because life is tough and hard doesn't mean you should just get high and zone out on life, its important to feel because once you start living the high life you can't ever really be happy without it, which is again really sad, people who are high usually don't have any motivation besides eating and getting more weed, which is a huge problem if the op wants a happy successful future with her bf, and he wants to stay poor spending all his cash on weed long story short, the op's bf isn't being responsible, his life is only about weed and that is very wrong, he should have goals and ambitions and plans to buy important things like a house or saving money for your kids future, and also i don't see how nobody else thought the op was really saying "why doesn't he spend his paycheck on me" which is kind of selfish of her, but that's irrelevant to the weed argument, but he should be supporting her(with some of his paycheck, not all) if they are living together and shes holding up her part of the relationship, and hes just spending all his cash on himself(for weed), but that's unexplained in the fml so there's no point in discussing that issue

revanche 2

I have the attention span of a small gnat. I look like one too! Hahaha!

Damn your comment is too long to thumbs down.... But me no Likey

I'd say what your describing varies from person to person depends on the user's personality and that is just one of the factors. I've met people that have advanced to harder drugs, i've met ones that stick to weed only, i've met people that are lazy and don't wana do anything or work at min. Wage jobs for rest of their life, i've met ones that have started multi million dollar companies, it really just depends.

I agree with you but please use full stops.

Emberlynnn 9

Dump him an let me have him haha but not until 4/20 I want that to be out Ana eraser day :)

rightspark 7

At least he is responsible. Anything to motivate his ass to get a job. If he wants a better job tell him to grow it and sell it himself like a true hardworking business man

shaggie101x 5

You say that like weed is a bad thing

nathanzbbygirl 7

I would love 2 have a boyfriend that did that lol