Harry Pothead

By Anonymous - 21/10/2021 17:02 - Canada - North York

Today, my husband said he wouldn't be talking to me for weeks, because I didn't buy him weed. Yeah, I paid all the bills and the rent this month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 057
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amazes me what people get away with in their relationships on this site.

george1986 7


george1986 7

Leave him. He will only drag you down and you don't need that in your life.

Amazes me what people get away with in their relationships on this site.

You didn't pay ALL of the bills -- you forgot the weed bill. In some households, that's a thing. Don't get all paranoid, but yours is one of those.

bluntaf 3

let him grow a plant in a closet or basement. go buy him a zip, not cool. weed is a bill, you didn't pay them all.

So, OP, you are getting weeks of silence to re-evaluate whether this freeloading jerk should stay in your life or not? Sounds like a win to me...