
By DreDre - 12/12/2019 03:00

Today, I found out that the dude I love has been taking the money I used to support him and buying heroin with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 022
You deserved it 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you stop giving him money and try to get him to get help. If he doesn’t want it, you have to make a choice. Watch him spiral downhill or leave.


This is where you stop giving him money and try to get him to get help. If he doesn’t want it, you have to make a choice. Watch him spiral downhill or leave.

Susan Yee 9

Positive side, it’s only ********. She didn’t sleep with any of them.

The fact that you're supporting him is your first clue that he's a loser. ydi

And you couldn’t tell he was using???

Mathalamus 24

You deserved it for falling for that.

tounces7 27

Hopefully you just get the heck away from him instead of falling into the whole stupid "I can change him" BS routine.

What do you mean by support him that’s kinda vague. If you really care about this guy stop giving him money and help him get into a program to get clean.

Time to kick his ass to the curb and cut him off. Why are you supporting him, anyway? You're not his mother.