By pieceofcake163 - 29/12/2009 08:59 - United States

Today, I found out that my booty call only likes to have sex with me so afterwards he can watch ESPN on my plasma screen TV, because he has neither. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 609
You deserved it 17 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, it's a BOOTY CALL. Why do you care? There's not supposed to be any emotional attachment.

perdix 29

I have ESPN and an LED TV. Maybe I can come over and compare the two technologies. If I have to give you sex to get in, . . . Well, if I must, I must :(


22cute 17

See, men can exchange sex for perks, why not women?

Why do you care about the reason he has sex with you? He's just a "booty call."

legendofdon 0

what do you care? it's a booty call, you got yours now quit whining

22cute 17

That's funny, because if Op's friend were a woman you'd all be dising HER.

MikeonFML 17

Girls can get any whenever they want...

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of course girls can have booty calls. most men are worth a damn anyways.

flyboy30364 0

pretty sure it's aren't worth a damn...

22cute 17

Or maybe only worth a damn.

perdix 29

I have ESPN and an LED TV. Maybe I can come over and compare the two technologies. If I have to give you sex to get in, . . . Well, if I must, I must :(

I mean don't twist his arm or anything.

Um, it's a BOOTY CALL. Why do you care? There's not supposed to be any emotional attachment.

Maybe she thought she was great in bed.

razorp 0

yeah agreed, you got what you want, so let him watch the cowboys play dammit, how bout them cowboys ?

BrownSugar_fml 5

Umm, I agree who gives a damn you got what you wanted so let the guy enjoy something as well :) not to suggest that he didn't like the sex.... maybe he just really really really likes sports

But now she has to have the slug hanging around for another two hours. Next time flip the circiut breaker and tell him after you get what you want that the tv is not working.