By shrek - 02/05/2016 10:25 - Australia

Today, my brother dyed my white work shirt bright green because I beat him to the shower this morning. As it's my only shirt, I had to wear it to work, where there was a surprise audit and I was fired for incorrect uniform. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 699
You deserved it 1 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NakuEh 27

Wow. That is just terrible luck when it comes to the audit. I would definitely be planning to get revenge on your brother. Maybe switch his shampoo with hair dye.

Don't you just hate work? It just shows how they view us a replaceable. Not as a real person with a good work ethic. Hopefully-if you want the job back- they might listen to your side and give you a second chance.


danceinconverse 25

I guess green isn't really lucky at all...

My brother did that too my school uniform in Junior High. I feel you OP.

I really don't understand why you're getting down voted

People are probably down voting because op should own more than 1 work shirt. Shows some further issues beyond incorrect color but also hygiene as well..

My brother only has one work shirt I believe, and he works at Wendy's

thunderniron 22

You only have 1 work shirt? Hmmmm

My train of thought exactly :/ on top of it white the easiest one to get dirty.

Maybe his other shirts needed to be washed?

If op had more work shirts, op's brother probably would of just dyed them all lime green. =/

First thought. And besides just dirt, it gets to day 3 and starts to smell. No.

I have one work shirt. I just wash it a lot.

I've had two jobs where they only provided me with 1 or 2 shirts. I've found that uniform provided is often based on your contracted hours rather than how many hours you actually do. I was working 6-7 days a week, but because my contracted hours were only 8 hours a week I only got given part time uniform, which was based on me only working 2 days per week. It sucked big time.

my work only gave me one shirt despite multiple written requests. some employers aren't great at the kind of thing.

NakuEh 27

Wow. That is just terrible luck when it comes to the audit. I would definitely be planning to get revenge on your brother. Maybe switch his shampoo with hair dye.

Or switch his shampoo with alcohol so when he puts it on his you run into the shower and throw a match or a lighter inside and set him on fire and laugh and say "look who is fired now!" ......maybe mine is going a little too far.

NakuEh 27

or.. it could be just far enough.

That is a bit too far 19, but it's creative and would definitely be poetic justice

Don't you just hate work? It just shows how they view us a replaceable. Not as a real person with a good work ethic. Hopefully-if you want the job back- they might listen to your side and give you a second chance.

Well if you're working a minimum wage job, you are replaceable. That's how the roles are designed.

when St. Patrick's day comes around again, you'll be in luck.

Can we get a follow up after you get your revenge? You HAVE to get him back somehow.

Fired over just that? Doesn't sound like it was your first workplace offense?

I wouldn't be allowed to work if my shirt was any other color than white. Probably not get fired for it, but I'd definitely get sent home.

That's what I was thinking at first too, fired over such a thing without even a warning first sounds highly questionable. Although if OP is employed as a casual he doesn't have many rights.

You should switch his orange juice for dye as revenge

really? fired for a wrong color? sorry, but your work is just.... dumb...