By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 23:54 - United States

Today, I found out that I have testicular cancer for the second time in two years, and they may end up removing my last testicle. Knowing full well I was also born with an extra rib, the doctor at the consultation joked, "Hey, you'll be three quarters of the way to being a woman." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 198
You deserved it 2 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This might sound stupid but if you haven't got kids and you want them, maybe you should freeze your sperm whilst you still can. Sorry about that mate :(

Dude get a squeaker to replace one of them and jingle bell in the other

bswole 1

Sorry to hear that OP. If you have it removed start taking steroids after to keep your testosterone levels up.

I still have my testicles but having an extra rib is kinda good I can take a hit during MMA without much passion

Stylin_Since_97 10

Cancer surviver right here bro, I can relate:) ten years, and screw that doctor. He's three quarters from being jumped in a dark ally

brokenhelix 4

Sorry to hear about your cancer. You should get prosthetic testicles made the same way the Chinese relaxing balls are made. Then your balls will vibrate and play a lovely tune every time they move around.

kittyLoveZombiez 0

Omg :( I'm sorry OP Hope it doesn't happen Just in case. **** as much as you can

Fubar: Balls Of Fury! You can always get implants......also u should get a new doctor!! Dx