Can't win

By Billie - 04/02/2021 00:01 - Bulgaria

Today, my boyfriend was tidying up around the room. I asked him if he'd like me to help, to which he responded, "No, I don't need any help," then added, "Wish you weren't so lazy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 842
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if your boyfriend talks to you like that often that's toxicity time to leave

That's called gaslighting. Some people have that kind of humor with their friends and family and it's not gaslighting, but those friends and family also know it's humorous, and well, you don't seem to believe that so it's gaslighting.


if your boyfriend talks to you like that often that's toxicity time to leave

That's called gaslighting. Some people have that kind of humor with their friends and family and it's not gaslighting, but those friends and family also know it's humorous, and well, you don't seem to believe that so it's gaslighting.

mando 10

A family should be on the same team. Calm and nice.

ghostinflames 13

Everyone in the family is has the ability to do something. Work together towards a common goal, not against.

bf comment was rude but there alot of possibilities of whats going on. myself would rather not tag team clean an area, and i was taught to put things back when done, so to me everyone is lazy at cleaning doing garage stuff gets tedious when you clean every thing now and put tools back even though you are still using them